hey. now in USA. its winter time, and i guess i am not used to the cold weather over here ( i m not even someone who sleeps in air con at night ), so yup, 6am in the morning and im still wide awake.
shall post come pics and blog a bit.
departed 27th Jan 0600h, and these were the friends and family that came to send me off. there were a few others who tot that its the following day. thanks for the thought too!!

We took Northwest. Although jac n mad had been going on about how they like to feed us every few hours, i personally think that the airline is not superb. ok, its better than jetstar and tiger. but i think the service is quite crappy. food wise, ok passable. in-flight entertainment, failed, miserably. the flight from tokyo to minneapolis had no in-flight entertainment! cant believe it. its a close to 9-10hr flight with no in-flight. ok, they have, a common one, uses a projector and everyone watches the same show. so personally, i wouldn realli recommend NW if u travelling long dist like this.

check out what i found at their international airport... C130!!

my first meal in USA. the mustard tastes like wasabi. =/ these cost 8 USD, but im glad my first meal isnt a BIG MAC!!
Then the half pound bacon cheese burger, a treat from francois, (fran-sua) the dean or the international relations officer. wah its can serve 2-3 pple i swear. fries sucks though, v dry.
(pardon the alignment, i realli suck at this)

ok this is my hall, quite cosy la, owing to the radiator in the room =)
oh the other bed, the grey blue one, that s my roomie's bed. was a bit in awe when i saw the stack of stuff under the bed!
haha but my neighbours said he s a nice guy.
ill update again
cheers pple.